Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bean's First Week. . .

Day 2 - Adjusting to this new world

Daddy got to sleep all night long after only getting 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours.  Mac slept in the nursery and the super nice nurses brought him into the room every couple hours for his feedings.  We had lots and lots of visitors today.  The bean loved getting to meet all the family and friends that stopped by to meet him.  

The two pictures below are from the overnight feedings. 

Day 3 - Homecoming

Bean slept in the nursery again last night, so Mommy and Daddy could get some restful sleep one last night. Day 3 was a busy day. . .Bean got circumcised first thing in the morning, had his first photoshoot with the hospital staff and got discharged to go home!!!  Auntie Kellie, Poppy Green and Teeta Green were the only visitors we had at the hospital on this day.  

Bean and Dr. Morris right before he went to get circumcised.  He looks like he can tell what she is getting ready to do to him.

He was a good passenger on the way home from the hospital.

Daddy driving us home for the very first time. . .

Blaze and Bailey gave Mac a nice homecoming.  Blaze was very curious and lovable with him.  Bailey on the otherhand did not give him much attention and was more concerned with visiting with her Mommy.  

Grandpa and Grandma White made Mommy and Daddy dinner. . .which was very much appreciated and much needed.  Mommy also got to take a 2 hour nap from 8pm-10pm so she would be ready for the night shift feedings.

Day 4 - Night Owl

Mommy and Daddy found out the Bean is quite a night owl.  He also actively fought sleep last night.  Mommy and Daddy were able to get a couple hours of sleep when he was in his swing.  He loves his swing.  He was not a big fan of the crib last night.  He finally settled down around 4am and was able to sleep in his crib for a short while.

Our at home visitors were. . .Aunt Connie, Kim Dolt, Uncle Scott and G.Gma and G.Gpa White.

Grandma and Grandpa White brought Mommy and Daddy spaghetti for dinner and Daddy let Mommy take 2 naps during the day.  Thank you so much Daddy for helping Mommy get her sleep. . .we know how she gets when she gets sleep deprived. :)

Bean spent lots of time sleeping today.  Mommy and Daddy can't help but stare at him while he sleeps. 

Day 5 - At Home Visit and Bailey's Love

Liberty's at home nursing program came to the house today to check on the Bean's progress and to make sure Mommy and Daddy were doing okay.  Mommy and Daddy had several questions for Dayna, the wonderful nurse, that had come up over the last couple days.  The sweet nurse answered all the questions and asked several of her own.  Then it was time for the big weigh in. . .when we left the hospital Mac weighed 6lbs 15oz and the goal is to get him back up to his birth weight of 7lbs 9.5oz.  Unfortunately our little man lost weight.  He is now 6lbs 9oz which is 1lb less than his birth weight.  Dayna told Mommy to feed him as much as possible. . .every hour if he would eat. . .and bring him to the hospital tomorrow to get reweighed.  Mommy was completely up to the task.  Our goal is to show an increase over the next 18 hours.

Today Bailey figured out that her little brother is not going to be leaving and that he is here to stay.  She started showing interest in him and is quite the little protector of him.  She does not like it when he cries and is always checking in on him to ensure he is okay.  This has come as quite a surprise to Mommy and Daddy.  We are very happy that sissy has decided to accept her little brother and is embracing the idea of being the big sister.

Our at home visitors were. . .G.Gma and G.Gpa White, Misty and Josie, and Nana

Grandma and Grandpa White brought Mommy and Daddy BBQ hamburgers, potato salad, chips and baked beans for dinner. 

Bailey wanted to be close to her bubby Bean and she crawled up on his boppy next to him to sleep.

Day 6 - First outing

First stop of the day was at Liberty Hospital to get weighed, to find out if eating every hour has paid off.  If Mac's weight does not increase he will have to have supplements in addition to his regular feedings. As you can see from the picture below, MacKinley is not happy about being in his birthday suit but we are all happy to report that his weight increased more than 1oz overnight. Now we just have to keep him heading in that direction.
The successful weigh in!!!

Next stop was to Mommy's favorite little restaurant in town, Ray's Diner.  Mac was a perfect customer, he did not fuss, cry or make any demands for his food. :)  Mommy and Daddy were surprised when Brenda, the owner, picked up the tab.  That was so sweet of her to do for us and we were extremely grateful.

The final stop on our first outing was to the Fire Station to see the guys on Daddy's shift, Sherry and Skip. 

Visiting Sherry at Daddy's work.  Can't wait until I am big enough to get treats from her like my bubby does.
Getting to meet Skippy for the first time.

Our at home visitors were. . .Lita, Ron and Janet Smith, Austin, G.Gma and G.Gpa White, and Gpa Greg

Ron and Janet Smith brought us chicken spaghetti dinner with the most wonderful cole slaw w/apples, bread and strawberry shortcake dessert. 

Day 7 - Just chill'n at home

Mac slept in his crib last night for 5 hours straight!  We did not do much today just hung out at home and visited with our guests. Josie brought the Bean a super cute stuffed animal and brought Mommy and Daddy a funnel cake from the carnival.  What a wonderful surprise and yummy treat. 

Our at home visitors were. . .Mitch Dolt, Auntie Stef, Lakyn, Skylar, Auntie Connie, Kim Lund, Misty, Corey and Josie

Auntie Connie brought Mommy and Daddy her yummy meatball and rice dinner with Mommy's favorite cookies. . .NO BAKE OATMEAL COOKIES.

Lounging around the house, taking it easy.

Josie and the cute little lizard she brought for Mac.

Josie giving the Bean some sugars.

Well that sums up our first week together as a family.  Mommy and Daddy absolutely love having the Bean home and we are settling into our new routine with our most amazing blessing that God has ever given us. . . MacKinley Scott White.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Birth Day. . . .

On Friday, 4/14 at about 9pm Traci starting having contractions.  She contracted all night long but the contractions would not pattern out.  So on Saturday morning Camron had to go to work.   At 11am (14 hours of pre-labor) Traci called the doctor to see what she thought.  Dr. Morris told Traci to plan to come to the hospital at 3pm.  Traci called Camron so he could get coverage at work. . .Thank you Assistant Chief Ron Smith for covering for Cam.

2:30pm rolled around and off to the hospital they went.  Traci and Cam arrived at the hospital at 3pm only to find out that Traci had not dilated any more since her last visit to the doctors.  The nursing staff at Liberty Hospital kept Traci for observation for over 3 hours.  After walking the halls to try to progress the labor process, Traci was released to continue to labor at home.  At 6:30pm, completely and utterly disappointed they headed home to continue the laboring process.

At  2:30am Traci could not take it any longer, the contractions were just more than she could handle and Camron called the doctor.  Dr. Morris told Cam to take Traci to the hospital. . .

Bailey and Blaze sent them off, as they headed to the hospital knowing that when Mommy and Daddy returned. . .life would never be the same.  It would be better because they were going to bring home a new baby brother.

At around 5am on 4/15 Mommy got her epidural and was finally feeling much better  She could sit up in her bed and she was even smiling for the first time in many hours.  Oh the power of the epidural!

Mommy gave Daddy his brand new daddy gift.  The picture below is Daddy reading the card that Mommy gave to him telling him how grateful she is and how thankful she is to have him and for the fact that Daddy gave Mommy the best and most amazing blessing ever. . . 
"Our Bean" MacKinley Scott

 After 44 hours of labor and 40 minutes of pushing. . .Daddy meets our little Mighty Mac for the first time.  When MacKinley was entering the world he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice so when he came out he was pretty blue and it was a little scary.  

The Bean shows everyone that he is a little fighter and that he has a great set of lungs.

How big is the little guy. . .7lbs 9.5oz, 21.5in long

MacKinley finds great comfort in the security of his Daddy's finger. 

 MacKinley loves his Daddy.

Daddy sends out the text to our family and friends letting them know that MacKinley Scott White had arrived at 5:21pm on April 15, 2012.  The happiest day of Mommy and Daddy's life.

First family photo

Sunday, April 8, 2012

An Easter Egg Art Project. . .

So last night I fell asleep on the couch around 10:00pm. Needless to say the couch is not very comfy when you are 9 months prego.  I woke up at 2am to find Camron sleeping sound next to me.  The Bean was awake flipping, flopping, kicking and knocking on my belly, so I knew I was going to be awake for a little while. I turned on some of my shows that I had DVR'd just to pass the time.  At 2am the only thing on television are those silly infomercials.  

Just before 4am, Camron wakes up and asks, "What are you doing love?"  I told him I was not tired and could not sleep. We chatted for a little while, which lead to Camron being wide awake, as well.  Camron, called it a "practice night", a night where we were practicing, for what's to come. . .lots of sleepless night. 

So. . .there is not much to do or watch at 4am so we decided to do a little fun arts and crafts project.  While everyone with children was dying their Easter eggs the evening before. . .We decided to make a little Easter egg of our own. . .

Daddy's Work in Progress. . . .

The finish product. . . .
Happy Easter Everyone!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Waiting On Our Little Bean

Daddy got his way and we ended up with a Fire themed nursery.  It is perfect.  We still have 2 framed art pieces to hang up, but all in all, the only thing missing is . . . 
Our Little Bean.

Daddy reading the directions to make sure he puts the crib and the dresser together correctly. 

 Safety First!

Bailey helping Daddy put the mobile together.

Bailey is waiting on her bubby bean to arrive.

Thank you Auntie Jenny for enrolling me in the Auntie Jenny "Book of the Month Club".  This is a perfect start to my library.  Mommy has been reading to me already and she is anxious to find out which of the books are going to be my favorite.  ~Bean

We are 4 days away from our 4/9 due date. . . our excitement to bring our little man home to his new room cannot be put into words.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Our family and friends Shower the Bean with Love. . .

On March 17th Grandma and Becky threw us a shower with our family and friends.  
Among those in attendance were. . .Janet Smith, Jeannie Murphy, Erin Smith, Rylee, Becky, Nancy Teer, Teeta Green, Aunt Elaine, Aunt Deb, Gay Russell, Sherri, Melissa Bartlett, and Grandma White.  

It was so nice to see everyone and to receive all the wonderful gifts to help us finish off all our necessity items for the Beans big arrival.

The details of the party were absolutely adorable.
 Not only is this punch super cute with the ducks. . .but it was super yummy as well.

This was one of the best tasting cake Traci has had in a long time. . .The Bean LOVED it! 

 Rylee and Janet checking out the new bibs.

 Melissa made the cutest little motorcycle diaper gift.  Very unique and super fun!

Auntie Becky made an adorable fire station inspired diaper cake.  Love it!