Thursday, May 17, 2012

On the Move. . .Week 3

April 29th to May 5th
Day 15 - Road Trip'n to Marshal

Lita, Auntie Stef, Lakyn, Mommy and Mac took a road trip to Marshal, MO for Uncle Rick and Auntie Alyx's bridal shower.  Mac got to meet lots of new people and he was such a good boy all day long.  This was the first time Daddy was away from Mac and it was a really long 7 hours for daddy.  Good thing Daddy and Skylar went to see Wrath of the Titans to take Daddy's mind off missing his little man for a couple hours.
Auntie Alyx and Uncle Rick opening their gifts. 

Uncle Rick taking time out from the shower to give the Bean some lovin.

Day 16 - Recovering from the long roadtrip. . . Lots of R&R

We did not do much today.  We relaxed and took it easy all day.  Mommy and Mac took a nap from 2pm to 7pm. Mommy thought it was so nice to catch up on some much needed sleep. 

Our at home visitors were. . .Mrs LaSalla (our neighbor),  G.Gma and G.Gpa White

Day 17 - On the move. . .

Today Mac had a date with Dr Morris for a weight check.  Unfortunately, we did not have a good weigh in.  We were down 2oz from the last visit.  Mac weighed in at 7lbs 4oz.  

Mac and Mommy went to Babies R Us while Daddy went to get hypnotized.  Daddy getting hypnotized???  Yep, that is right. . .Daddy got hypnotized to be a lighter sleeper so he can hear Mac when he cries at night.  Mommy says Daddy sleeps like a log. Hopefully after being hypnotized he will be a much lighter sleeper. 

Mac went to G.Gma and G.Gpa White's house for the first time.  Gma and Gpa invited us over for dinner.  Yummy, Gma's home cooking!

Daddy carrying Mighty Mac into Great Grandma & Great Grandpa's house

Daddy fed Mac from a bottle for the first time tonight!!!  

"Mommy, look Daddy is pretty good at this feeding thing"

Day 18 - Pajama kinda day

We did not get out of our jammies all day long!  After another busy day on the move yesterday, Mommy used today to recover and we took it easy at home.  

We started feeding Mac, 2 extra oz of milk twice a day, to try to get the little man to gain weight.  We need to get him back to his birth weight of 7lbs 9oz. 

Verdict on the hypnotizing . . .daddy is sleeping lighter and was up last night when Mac cried.  

Our at home visitors were. . .Vince and Chandra, Uncle Scott, G.Gma and G.Gpa White

Our little Mister in is jammies. . .BIG stretch

Chandra and Vince 2 days before they became parents to Miss Isabella Anna.

Day 19 - Visitors. . .

Our at home visitors were. . ."Spick" and "Bo Bob", Great, Great Aunt Elaine

Mommy's great friend from college, Tammy (Spickard) Meeker, came to visit.  Mommy loved seeing her and Bo Robert, Mommy calls him "Bo Bob".  Mac spent lots of time sleeping while they were here. Mommy and Daddy loved, loved, loved getting to visit and catch up.  Bo played the Wii and really had a good time.  Bo even wants to come back and spend the night sometime.  We can't wait to see them again sometime real soon.  Mommy is sad she did not get a picture of Spick and Bo Bob with the Bean.
Great, Great Auntie Elaine with our best man

Day 20 - Weigh in day. . .

Drum roll please. . . .Mighty Mac had a successful weigh in and is now weighing in at 7lbs 6oz.  The 4 extra ounces each day seem to be working great.  Dr Morris said to keep up the extra feeding and she will see Mac again next Tuesday.  Fingers crossed for another successful weigh in.  We need to get this little man back to his birth weight.

7lbs 6oz. . .Mommy and Daddy are so proud. Gotta keep going!

Our at home visitors were. . .G.Gma and G.Gpa White

Day 21 - A day for Mommy. . .

Daddy and Mac took Mommy out for the afternoon for a "Mommy Day".  Mommy got a spray tan today and got to go shopping for some new clothes and even got her nails done.  Daddy and Mac went to Best Buy while Mommy was getting her nails done.  

Mac was such a good boy and was so patient while Mommy was getting her purty on!  

Our at home visitors were. . .Great Aunt Christy and Nana

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Settling In. . .Week 2

Day 8 - Up all night, out all day

Last night Mac decided to stay up all night.  He again went to sleep at 4am.  Today we ventured out to Babies R Us for a few needed items.  Mommy hates that place because it takes all her money.  :)  We also went to Longhorn Steak House for lunch where Mac was a great customer and Mommy and Daddy had a wonderful lunch date.

Our at home visitors were. . .Brad, Becky, Jacob and Rylee Smith, G.Gma and G.Gpa White, and Grandpa Greg

Grandpa Greg keeps my attention when he holds me because I think his laugh is funny. 

Day 9 - Sick baby

This was a scary day for Mommy and Daddy. . .This was the first day we experienced the worry of a parent with a sick baby.  Mac is not regulating his body temperature and his body temp was 96.0 degrees, he had projectile vomiting and did not eat for over 10 hours.  We have a sick baby on our hands.  We were originally supposed to have our wellbaby check up on Tuesday but Dr Morris was able to squeeze him in 1 day early, so he could be checked out.  Doc said MacKinley just had a bad night and he was going to be okay, another piece of good news is that he has gained some weight. . .Mac is now weighing in 7.0 lbs!!! Yay, we are making progress.

We went to visit Nana at her work today.  Mommy thinks the best news of the day is that Daddy got peed on!!!  hehehe.

Our at home visitors were. . .G.Gma and G.Gpa White

Day 10 - Lets go a walk'n

Today Mommy, Daddy, Bean and Bailey went for our first stroller walk. We walked up to the high school to watch Miss Sydni play softball.  It was good to go for a walk and to get to visit with Kim Dolt and Sharon Rowell while we were at the game.  We are looking forward to the next stroller walk we get to got on. 

Our at home visitors were. . .Grandpa Greg

Daddy pushing Bean in the stroller for the first time

Miss Sydni and the sleepy Bean

Bailey getting some love'n from Carly Jo

Day 11 - Mission to gain weight

Today we had another visit with Dr Morris to check the big man's weight.   

Our at home visitors were. . .Gma and Gpa White
Another successful weigh in. . .7lbs 6oz.  Up 6oz from Monday!

Chilling out in the doctors office waiting on Dr Morris to come check me out.

Day 12 - We have a little model on our hands

Today the Bean had his first modeling gig with Tamalee from Moment in Time Design.  He was such a great little model. Mommy and Daddy are super excited to see the final product from the photoshoot.

Behind the scenes with Moment in Time Design (

Another behind the scenes  (

The aftermath of the photoshoot, Daddy and Mac are all worn out.

Day 13 - Signs that we are growing up

Today Mac lost his umbilical cord and he slept 7 hours last night. 

Our at home visitors were. . . Kerri and Mallorie

Crabby with Mac

Day 14 - Meet and greet party

Today Auntie Stef and Lita hosted a meet and greet party with Mommy's extended family.  Lots of people showed up to meet the Guest of Honor.  It was so nice to get to see everyone and Mommy and Daddy appreciate everyone that was able to come out for the big event.  

Auntie Sharyl with Mac

Mallorie did not want me to take a picture of her yesterday so I snuck one in today

Even the guys got involved. . .thank you Chef Jay

Mac got to meet Auntie Jeanne and Uncle Gary

Super fun M&Ms personalized for MacKinley.  Thank you Auntie Stef.

Hailey giving the Bean some sugars

Pretty Scottie Jo loving on baby Mac